G’Day From… Rob Watts
Rob is the owner/operator at RW Watts Transportation. He’s passed on a few pics of his current project – a 1986 W Model Kenworth that he is in the process of restoring from the ground up. Rob’s plan is to reproduce it in his original company colours.
“A good mate of mine, Peter Hewitt, from Heavy Haulage and Towing found it for me. I’ve been looking for one to do up over the last couple of years and would always ask his advice on it. Every time I found one he would say, ‘no, leave it. Something better will come along.’ After him talking me out of one I’d seen in Tasmania last year I said, well, you go and find one for me! And he did, right here in Melbourne.”
Originally a Gunn’s tow truck, Rob bought it from Westerns.
With another good friend, Mario Grosso doing the restoration, the truck has already been stripped down. The plan is to lengthen the bonnet and replace the current 42 inch bunk with a 60 inch low line job. Rob tells us that the truck is further along than the pictures he has supplied but he is going to keep us hanging out for more.
Mario Grosso of Bulldog Restorations
Diesel mechanic and possible future SIL, Daniel Gavaghan helps out with the removal of the 3406b CAT
To give us an idea of the paint scheme that will be applied to the W model, Rob sent us a pic of his custom built from the factory, 1992 T900. Called ‘Bound for Glory’, this truck won Truckin Life’s Rig of the Year back in ’98. If the work on the W model comes anywhere near this, it is going to be one good-looking truck.
‘Bound for Glory’ - and it certainly was
In business for 32 years, Rob bought his first truck at age 19. “I’ve bounced backwards and forwards between owning one or two trucks over the years.”
Currently with a fleet of two, Rob changed direction around four years ago, doing tipper work after 18 years running Melbourne – Sydney. “I get home at night now.”
Needing a driver for the other truck, Rob had to look no further than his 21-year-old daughter, Taylah. In the midst of a part-time university course Taylah said to her dad, “I need money while I’m doing Uni and you need a good reliable driver.”
Rob and daughter, Taylah
The arrangement has worked well with Taylah’s twin brother, Riley also involved in the business, helping to maintain and run the trucks as well. “Funny to think that the twins were only just born when I won ROTY, and now they’re both in the business with me.”
Son, Riley, together with mum, Josie - the backbone of the business
Rounding out this very family business is Rob’s mum, Josie Wilson. “Mum’s been the backbone of the company for 32 years. She does all the administration for me and frankly, without her I reckon I would have been down the tube years ago. Seems to me that this is a good chance to publicly thank her for everything she has done for me and for the kids. So Thanks Mum. Love you.”
Thanks for sending these photos in Rob. We look forward to seeing the progress of your W in months to come.
Another of Rob’s rigs
From Rob and family, “Have a great day”
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