Victorian Truck Driver’s Memorial
This year, as with many other services and events, the VTDM postponed the annual service, normally held on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend at Alexandra.
There were of course, plaques to go on the Wall which will be placed there as soon as Covid regulations allow.
The committee is currently unable to supply a date when the Memorial gathering can go ahead, but we will keep you informed via these pages.
In the meantime we can honour those whose names will be placed upon The Wall in 2020:
William “Bill” Cleeland - 1940-2019
Leon Umack - 1982-2015
Corey “Tree” McCluskey - 1977-2019
Michael “Mick” Kerr - 1955-2019
David Hall - 1956-2018
Gerald “Mick” Curtin - 1934-2017
Shayne “Mango” Mangelsdorf - 1973-2019
Benjamin “Beno” Fahy - 1994-2020
Alan “Bones” Edwards - 1963-2019
Stephan “Steph” Meiszies - 1965-2020
… Lest we Forget.
The Victorian Truck Drivers Memorial became incorporated in early 2020. An AGM will be held when restrictions are eased and people can gather in safety.
For further information contact: Bette Phillips-Campbell, 0409 788 883
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