Tarcutta Memorial Cancelled for 2020



The decision has been made in recently to cancel the Tarcutta Truck Drivers Memorial due to ongoing uncertainty with Covid 19.

Doug McMillan informed truckinwithkermie.com that with an expected attendance of hundreds of people, it would have been physically impossible of go ahead under social-distancing requirements.

The plaques of those souls to be placed upon the wall will still go ahead, with the 2021 Memorial service to commemorate them publicly. That event will be held on the last Saturday of August next year – the 28th.

Once the plaques have been placed upon the wall and with the families’ permission, truckinwithkermie.com will proudly publish them so that they may be remembered.

It is a sad result of the Coronavirus that grieving and closure must be put on hold until the future.

In further news from Tarcutta, It appears that there are still rumours persisting that the Memorial Wall may move from that town to Albury.

Doug McMillan has asked us to make it as abundantly clear as humanly possible that the wall is not moving, it was never contemplated that it would and it never will.

“The Memorial Wall is part of the fabric of Tarcutta,” Mr McMillan said. “Its very soul is in this town and it is sacred. I can’t be any clearer than that.”

Perhaps this will be an end to innuendo and unfounded rumours.


The Tarcutta Museum will still go ahead. Since the departure of Bunny Brown from the committee in 2018, there has been some conjecture as to whether it would proceed. The current committee has opted, when funds become available, to buy the shed from Bunny.

“It’s only in limbo at the moment because we need the funds to build a toilet block,” said Doug McMillan

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