HVCRL Ready to Assist

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The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is reminding drivers that the Heavy Vehicle Confidential Reporting Line (HVCRL) is ready to assist with resolving safety issues across the Chain of Responsibility.

NHVR Chairman Duncan Gay said recent months had put significant stress on drivers and operators.

“This has been a challenging time for our industry, but we don’t want it made worse by people putting others in danger,” Mr Gay said.

“In 2019-20 the HVCRL, received 1,288 calls, resulting in 889 reports that were assessed and investigated by the NHVR or police and transport authorities. Information received about fatigue, loading and mechanical safety represent the most common reports.

“The HVCRL team are ready and willing to assist with resolving safety issues across the supply chain, whether its undue pressure at the depot, the distribution centre or the drop off point.

“The pressure is compounded by the additional requirements around borders, hygiene and mask-wearing that drivers are having to manage.

“We’ve also heard reports that some customers have started extending their payment terms to try and compensate for future losses.

“While these are challenging times for everyone, heavy vehicle operators should not be put under pressure to break the law.

“Road freight is the backbone of our economy and operators have been working day and night for months to ensure supermarket shelves stay stocked and health supplies are getting where they’re needed.

“Now more than ever, it’s critical that all businesses act in good faith to keep our industry safe and Australia moving.”

Mr Gay urged operators or drivers concerned about being asked to sign or perform a contract that is in breach of Chain of Responsibility laws to contact the NHVR’s Confidential Reporting Line on 1800 931 785.

The Heavy Vehicle National Law:

  • Imposes a positive obligation on any party in the Chain of Responsibility to ensure their conduct doesn’t encourage the driver of a heavy vehicle to contravene the law, and

  • Specifically prohibits those parties from requiring or entering into a contract with a driver that would encourage the driver to speed, work while fatigued or drive in breach of the driver’s work and rest hours option.

Click here for the latest information from the NHVR www.nhvr.gov.au/coronavirus

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