A Message from John Mahony


An Interview Waiting to Happen

A while back I received a message from John Mahony from Allansford, Vic about a mate of his, Malcolm Croft. Apologies John, for your message getting lost in ‘the works’. Malcolm sound like a fascinating character and he’ll certainly be on my list next time I’m down your way, which will probably be the Koroit truck Show in ’23.

Then again they have invented the telephone so I should probably give Mal a call before Owner Driver, who I know reads Truckin with Kermie, and I take as a great compliment (G’day Greg Bush) jumps the gun on me. Lol.

Here is John’s message….

G'day Kermie, I touched base with you recently re the Koroit convoy and Mick Gardiners video, now one day when you get up this way if you have time see if you can catch up with Malcolm Croft of Nullawarre, he is the owner of these two S Lines. The one on the left is the Anniversary model and the other is the last one off the line and has the Transtar interior. Malcolm is a real character and a great man to work with. He will be hard to tie down as like a few of us here he does work very hard. He also has a retired Acco 3074 903 Cummins 15 spd. RR that really flys and he will tell you how when carting with Max Anderson in the Bicentennial Mack Superliner from Simpson he would drag Max off. The Hino SS 700 is mine.

Regards John Mahony

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