Lindsay Brothers: 2024 Reunion (1953 - 2002)

The history of Lindsay Brothers, and its successor, Lindsay Australia Limited, has been well documented over the years. Established by Tom and Peter Lindsay at Coffs Harbour, NSW in 1953 with a couple of second-hand tray trucks, the brothers initially transported local fruit and veggies to the railway for shipping to the Sydney markets.

The business grew to encompass fuel deliveries and many other areas of the transportation business. Shortly after Peter Lindsay’s sudden passing in 1998, the company was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and continued growing into the hundreds of red and white liveried Kenworths that we have all seen traversing our highways.

To the drivers of old however, the friendships, the camaraderie, the respect, the loyalty and the ‘family’ ethos came from those years between 1953 and 2002 when Lindsay’s was a family run business.

In May of 2024 drivers and families from 1953 - 2002 gathered at Sawtell on the NSW mid-north coast to remember those years…..


Secret Men’s Business 59: Shaun Bradley


‘THE RUN’ … Crawlin’ the Hume 2024