Secret Men’s Business 78: Richard Wilken & ‘Captain Cook’

One of the classic Bicentennial Mack Super-Liner II trucks, Captain Cook has returned to its Victorian ‘birthplace’ under the ownership of Richard Wilken, joining a number of other very special Mack’s he has in his collection.

This is Richard’s story…



In celebration of Australia’s bicentennial, Mack produced 16 special trucks named after some of our greatest pioneers. Whether or not these mighty trucks have themselves so far made any contribution to fact or folklore is for history to decide.

In 1988 Mack thought of the unique way to commemorate both Australia’s bicentennial year, and celebrate the 25th anniversary of Mack trucks down under. It was decided that a limited edition of unique Super-Liner II vehicles to be produced as a once-in-a-lifetime proposal. These special Mack trucks carry the names made famous in our history books into the 21st century and proudly display Mack’s contribution to the heritage of Australian trucking.

Customer response to the idea was tremendous with Mac Brisbane headquarters confirming letters of intent for the complete set of 20 Bicentennial Super-Liners. Over the course of securing each of the agreements, the final number of trucks marked for build levelled at 16 and production began soon after.

Each owner was nominated the task of choosing a namesake for their Super-Liner from a predetermined list. Names like Capt James Cook, the greatest Pacific Navigator of his time, and courageous explorers such as Charles Sturt and Kennedy and Leichhardt, were amongst the names included.

The 16 Bicentennial Super-Liners went beyond the high standard already established by the Bulldog Breed at the time, and started a new era in Australian transport.

A special handover ceremony was held at Dreamworld on the Gold Coast to commemorate the event. More than 600 people attended with the official delivery of each Bicentennial taking pride of place as the main attraction. Trucks were presented in the exact order in which they were formally requested by the initial letters of interest.

Max chairman, Jack Curcio made the presentations along with Mack Truck’s Australian marketing manager, Max  Kubale. Several other prominent executives from the US, including Joe Rossetti, Executive Vice President of Marketing, were on hand to celebrate the occasion and affirm Mack’s commitment to the Australian market.

The durability of the Mack truck is as legendary as the names these 16 Super-Liners represent. Decades later these Limited Addition Super Liners continue to add to the Mack tradition of ruggedness. Today, many of the Bicentennial models have been lovingly restored and are still hard work.

Captain Cook. Mack Bicentennial Super-Liner II

Captain Cook is number 7 of The Collection. The following summary shows the owners of Captain Cook over the years:

Max Anderson – Nallewarre, Victoria

Max was the first owner of Captain Cook in 1988 and used the Super-Liner to carry refrigerated goods and livestock around Victoria and east coast until 1993

Merri Transport – Allansford, Victoria

Tom Barbanitos – Renmark, South Australia

Howard Springs Earthmoving - Northern Territory

Gary Harbar – Dalby, Queensland

Gary was a long time carer of Captain Cook, along with other Super-Liners, Ben Hall and Ned Kelly.

WA Limestone - Perth, Western Australia

In early 2024 the Della Bona Brothers purchased the Harbar Bicentennial lecture.

Wilken Family - Warracknabeal, Victoria

Captain Cook has been in the possession Richard Wilken since October, 2024.


Secret Men’s Business 79: John Cozens (TJ)


Secret Men’s Business 77: Murray Langford & his 1950 Diamond T