Trucking Industry to Deliver Through Lockdown
The trucking industry will continue its essential role of transporting Australia’s freight through the Victorian lockdown, Australian Trucking Association CEO Ben Maguire said today.
Mr Maguire was responding to the Victorian Government’s stage 4 business restrictions. Road freight will continue operating in metropolitan Melbourne, as will heavy vehicle repair, servicing, maintenance and heavy truck manufacturing. Critical vehicle parts will be available.
“The trucking industry delivers every item on the shelves of every supermarket; every bottle of medicine in every pharmacy and every litre of fuel at every service station,” Mr Maguire said.
“Australia’s truck drivers and other freight workers are on the front line of keeping everyone supplied during this crisis, whether it’s groceries, medicine or PPE for a major hospital.
“The businesses that support the trucking industry are as essential as our trucks and drivers. You can’t operate a trucking business if you can’t service and repair your vehicles. You need parts and you need new vehicles too,” he said. “As an industry, we will not let Victorians down, and we will not let Australia down.”
With many businesses in Victoria required to close, Mr Maguire urged the Australian Government to provide support to interstate businesses that serve Victoria on the same basis as Victorian businesses.
“Many interstate transport providers rely on volumes to and from Melbourne to maintain the viability of their business, and to keep staff employed at the other end of the supply chains in and out of Victoria.
“Without fully loaded vehicles each way, these operators will be severely impacted by the announced closures. These businesses should receive government support on the same basis as Victorian businesses and their employees.”
The ATA and its member associations collectively represent the 50,000 businesses and 200,000 people in the Australian trucking industry. Together, the ATA and its members are committed to safety, professionalism and viability.
Take care out there
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