The Perfect Truck Lover’s Xmas Gift


Around a year ago ‘Rocket’ Rod Aiken gave me a call.

“Hey Kermie, y’know all those truckin’ photos I take? I’m thinking of turning some of them into a calendar, because….well, because I can. Whadaya reckon?”

I reckoned it was a bloody good idea because Rocket has taken some damn fine photos of trucks over the past few years


Born and bred in Sydney, Rod started out as a diesel mechanic for Albert Hunt Transport in that city. Following that he worked for his father for a spell then jumped behind the wheel where he’s been for 20 years, the last 16 from his home base in regional Victoria.

These days he steers a K200 – or as he fondly refers to it, the JAFA (I’m sure those of you who don’t know the acronym will work it out) - for a multinational freight parcel company.

Five years ago he picked up his phone and started taking trucking pics and Diesel Fumes Photography was born.


“I got into photography just because of a love of trucks and a desire to capture transport history. Later in life I hope those photos will go a long way. I started out with the phone but quickly realised that it wasn’t going to do the job and so progressed to a decent Canon camera.

“It’s an expensive hobby. Of course along with the decent camera had to come a decent computer and bunch of programs which also don’t come cheap. Jeez Adobe know how to charge! But mate, I love it.”


Rocket estimates that 10,000 photos a year is probably being conservative. He took 3,500 on this year’s Crawlin the Hume alone. Then all those photos need to go through that expensive computer using those expensive Adobe programs to bring out the best in them. We won’t even get into the time taken to set up specific truck shoot – an area in which Rod is getting more and more enquiries from truck loving owners.

His taste in trucks to photograph is eclectic. “I don’t care if it’s a $500,000 Legend 9oh or an $800 TJ Bedford (I’d like to know where to buy one at that price Rocket), I love ‘em all.”

Top quality stock, double spiral bound with plenty of room for notations

Top quality stock, double spiral bound with plenty of room for notations

Rod sold all the calendars he produced last year so, “Why not do it again.”

Mine arrived just the other day and I have to say that it’s a work of trucking art. Printed on (at least) 240gsm coated card, and double spiral-bound, this calendar is going to last well beyond its 12 month ‘useful’ lifespan.

And that’s a good thing because when it’s served its purpose of telling me the day of the week and allowing me to notate what’s what on certain dates, I’m going to frame all 12 photographs (yes, they’re that good!) and place them as a montage on the wall of the Man Cave.

Numbers are limited so do yourself, or some trucking lover you know a favour and get hold of one. And best do it soon because we all know that Australia Post aint moving anywhere as fast with its deliveries as Rocket’s multinational freight parcel company.

The price? A mere $29.95 + $5.95 for registered mail despatch get you a top quality product that none of your mates will have.

To get hold of one you can contact Rod at or on Facebook at

Good one Rocket!

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