The Driver Comes First at Simon


Simon National Carriers has been around a while. Incorporated in 1973, the company’s origins date back to 1926 Morgan Hugh Simon specialised in timber and hardware. The development of a timber treatment and electric pole supply division prompted the company’s move into transport in 1960.

Simon bought their first truck in 1966 to carry these poles from NSW’s Northern Rivers to Toowoomba. From there the company expanded into Darwin, Sydney and Brisbane. Today the family owned company runs 100 prime movers, 60 rigids and 150 trailers reaching into every state in Australia as well as New Zealand.

Safety is foremost in the company’s concerns with all drivers joining the company – regardless of past experience – undergoing training in road rules, fatigue management, defensive driving, and compliance with regulations, cab assessment, basic maintenance, and load restraint. This training must be completed before drivers are permitted to drive their vehicles. It is also company policy to limit the speed in Linehaul operations to 90Kph.

“One of our drivers died after stopping and crossing the road to help a lady change a tyre in the early 1990’s,” said David Simon. “That hardened my resolve for us to do everything we can within our control to avoid losing another person.”

Interstate drivers are provided with air-conditioned bunkrooms to rest and recuperate whilst local staff undertake most pickup and delivery operations, and prepare their loads for departure, ensuring the drivers are able to obtain quality rest. Simon also provide drivers with catered meals, avoiding the need for them to stop for a meal break soon after commencing their interstate trip.

It is obvious that Simon National Carriers care not only about their business, but equally about the people in their employ; recognising that the two are inextricably entwined.

It is also obvious that the company looks for the best when adding to their fleet.

Their latest additions are four Mercedes-Benz Actros 2653 prime movers – limited to 90kph in line with company policy. Mercedes offers driver training with all Actros trucks sold which dovetails nicely with Simon’s philosophy.

As well as all the safety mod-cons such as Active Brake Assist, Lane Departure Warning, et al, the exceptional fuel consumption of the Actros was another factor in the company’s purchase.

“We know that our 90km/h speed limiting delivers 10 to 12 per cent fuel consumption savings, but an efficient truck like the Actros delivers further gains. The Euro 6 rating is also something that we appreciate,” said David. “Also central to our decision to purchase was the comfort when behind the wheel which minimises driver fatigue and is central to our safety philosophy.”

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