Sth. Qld. Truck Blockade

Photo for illustrative purposes only

Photo for illustrative purposes only


A two-truck blockade took place in South-East Queensland on the M1 at, Reedy Creek on Monday morning, August 30. Tony Fulton, known for his popular Tones Trucking Stories on social media and Brock Holroyd, a sub-contractor for MK Transport, held the stoppage to bring attention to their belief in personal choice to have/refuse Covid vaccination, and to demand that the country open up immediately.

The following are interviews with Tony Fulton and Brock Holroyd prior to their protest.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are those of Tony Fulton and Brock Holroyd. Truckin with Kermie in no way endorses those views.

Tony: “Everybody has been talking about a blockade or the possibility of one for some weeks now. There were no credible sources within the industry. No-one knew what was going on.  I had a look at where the rumours were emanating from and saw that it was activists from overseas that had nothing to do with transport in this country. Consequently I wanted nothing to do with it.

“Then last week a mate, Brock Holroyd got booked in WA (name of town withheld due to legalities). Brock was parked up for the night and when he awoke he went and bought a coffee. On his way back to his truck he was accosted by two police officers who asked why he wasn’t wearing a mask. Brock replied that the mask was on his wrist as he was drinking his coffee. The police responded that they’d watched him from leaving the Roadhouse to his truck, hadn’t had a sip and should have been wearing his mask. They then issued him with a $1,000 fine.

“Brock posted the encounter on Tik Tok and it went viral, getting millions of views. He was then contacted by Pauline Hansen of One Nation who asked if we were actually doing or planning anything re a blockade, as she was 100 percent behind it and would be there.

“So that’s when Brock and I talked and agreed that there would probably be a blockade at some stage anyway so let’s orchestrate it, do it correctly, bring it from truck drivers, get the right people involved to get the message across of giving people vaccine freedom.

“So we have Pauline Hansen and Malcolm Roberts, who will be in our trucks (Truckin with Kermie understands that politician, Craig Kelly will also be involved) and we’re going to cruise down the highway.

“At the moment we’re saying Southern Queensland only, but will get the final message out on Monday morning, as to where it’s going to be and when.

“We will stand there with a bit of media stuff (sic) and get the message across to say to the local and state governments that we want to guarantee that there will be no mandate of vaccines of any kind - to be able to cross borders, to be able go to work, to be able to go about your daily routine or chores or whatever it is. From there we want the emergency restrictions and all of the lockdowns stopped within a month, open up businesses and let people go about their lives.”

Tony stated that both he and Brock are anti the vaccine. I asked him why.

“I just don’t believe it’s safe. There is a lot of scientific information that is extremely credible. The Vice President of Pfizer actually says on video that this is not safe. Young people are 50 times more likely to die from the vaccine than of the virus itself. When you start digging around you find other credible scientists doing seminars and actually bringing up their findings from looking at blood samples and that type of stuff. There is enough information to scare you into not getting it. To be honest I’m tenfold more fearful of the vaccine than a virus itself.

“We believe this is all about personal choice - not been colluded into going one way or the other. But what’s happening now is that while we’re told we don’t have to get a vaccine, it’s being put on businesses and employers to pressure us into getting it. I know of business already, that won’t let me pick up or drop off if I’m not vaccinated.”

How do you balance that personal choice against the greater good?

“The narrative I suppose is that if you want to have the vaccine and get on with your life then so be it, but if someone doesn’t that’s fine as well, as far as I see it. If you’re that fearful of the virus and what’s going on, then lock yourself up by all means. Let everyone else have the choice of either one way the other and let’s just learn to live with it.”

What do you think about regular Covid tests? Are you against them?

“I am personally but that’s not something that’s really been spoken about. I don’t believe they should be there.”

Would there not be a case at least for antigen tests which are very quick and simple, very non-invasive and give you a response in 10 or 15 minutes, rather than having to wait a day or more for the other results?

“I’m pro that because it actually ends up being done personally and there’s no worries about it being manipulated or anything like that by the government. I mean they’re pouring out loads of money for these test sites. How about they get these little machines or whatever they are and distribute them to everyone in the country.”

(Editor’s note: Antigen tests are not currently self-administered)

You are going to get a lot of people agree with you and you’re also going to get a lot who don’t.

“Yes I’m aware of that.”

You wear, for example, a seatbelt because it’s the law. We all do that and no one ever complains, so why shouldn’t this be a law relating to the Covid vaccines?

“Well my answer to that is that a lot of studies and research went into seat belt wearing prior to it becoming mandatory and it’s been proven that it saves lives. This vaccine actually has no testing and they are only learning about it as they go.”

So your problem with the vaccine is that it is too new? If it had five years of testing you wouldn’t have a problem?

“Yes mate, I’m not anti-getting it but I’m anti the fact that there is no independent data that you can find anywhere because actually no scientist knows what the ramifications are going to be down the track, because it’s never had the proper testing that is required for any other drug or vaccine out there. We are actually seeing it all over the place, of people getting a vaccine and getting sick or dying.

“So at 5 AM on Monday morning we see what happens. If people wish to be part of it and be prepared at the time to get the next bit of information on standing their ground for our rights and freedoms of choice.”


As stated in the opening paragraph, these views are strictly Tony’s and Trucking with Kermie in no way endorses those views. This writer has had both AstraZeneca shots without any ill effect.


The interview with Tony took place on Saturday, August 28 and he asked me to delay publishing until today, Sunday, August 29. This morning I had a phone call from co-organiser, Brock Holroyd. The following is the audio of that conversation in full, with the name of the town where he was fined deleted due to legal reasons….

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