<<Rewind 2012: The Last Trucks in Action
Trucks in Action had been a staple on the Victorian truck scene for many years. Truck companies weren’t so enamoured of it because of the logistics of its staging at Lardner Park, near Warragul, Vic. “Nowhere to stay,” was a common rejoinder I used to often hear.
However the public loved it and would turn up in their thousands, which ensured the shows ongoing success.
Then The Melbourne ‘International’ Truck Show was staged and TIA disappeared virtually overnight. (The Melbourne show didn’t last too long either)
This was my report, together with recommendations I put forward to the TIA management, which were not taken up.
It was a sad ending to a wonderful event.
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Is This The End of Trucks in Action?
Scania added a rare touch of colour to the show
The 16th through 18th March saw the return of the biannual Trucks in Action and Civil Works Expo at Lardner Park, Vic.
Unfortunately the Trucks in Action part is but a shadow of its former self. The heydays of this indoor/outdoor event set in glorious countryside an hour and a half south-east of Melbourne, saw 25,000 plus patrons attend a show that had exhibitors showing their wares in an abundance of product and colour, and entertaining serious (and possibly not so serious) would-be buyers in air-conditioned marquees that made the average 40 square home look positively down market. Some of these marquees were even two-storied.
The exhibitors/sponsors breakfast attracted over 600 attendees to listen to the wisdom of Lindsay Fox and the like. As the name implied, patrons could take a fully laden Semi on a 'run around the block' - the only show of its type. For those wanting a break there was live music to listen to. The accessories side of the show covered nearly as much space as the trucks and trailers on display.
CAT truck surrounded with CAT equipment
So what has happened?
The Melbourne Truck & Trailer Show - that's what. About to stage its third event, the Melbourne show, run a few short weeks after Trucks in Action has stolen the OEM's available marketing dollars. Melbourne (and Brisbane on alternate years) can cost a manufacturer up to $400,000 to be involved. That leaves very little dosh for anything else.
Consequently the OEMs have withdrawn support from Trucks in Action. Kenworth was nowhere to be seen - and who can stage an event of this type without the doyen of Australian trucking? There was no product from the Daimler stable. Mack had a couple of trucks on display as did Scania. Hino and UD had displays - all in regulation white, but let's face it - the public by and large, come to these events to see the Big Rigs. The only display of credence was Iveco who had a range of product reflecting their newly found intention of increasing market share. Overall it was left to the dealers to put on a display, and they have nowhere near the budgets of the majors.
This year there was a Monster Truck demonstration. The $10 entry fee (for the first time) was supposedly to cover the cost of staging this. If so the thing should have been running all day. For lovers of earthmoving equipment, the entry fee may have been acceptable. Truck fans would have been demanding their money back.
On the basis of this year's experience the already dwindled attendance will be nil in two year’s time.
And this is a crying shame, for the atmosphere of past shows made Trucks in Action one of the great events on the Australian trucking calendar. This writer finds the Melbourne show (and the Brisbane one in its new indoor premises) relatively soul-less. Trucks in Action always carried a carnival-like atmosphere with its marquees, music, bar and truckies comparing notes or just catching up. I am not decrying the efforts of the Lardner Park management who have tried their utmost in the face of fierce competition but if the event is to survive there needs to be a huge change.
Here are some suggestions that have come from talking to the public.
Run the event over to Sunday - truckies have much more opportunity to attend.
Stage a Pride & Polish - shows like Castlemaine and Alexandra attract over 10,000 people on this premise alone. It also adds colour to the predominantly white vehicles displayed by the dealers.
Put up a tent city - exhibitors have complained for years about lack of accommodation in the area. Tents are available nowadays which put 5 star hotels to shame. Add catering and the Jack Daniels Experience and the show takes on a work & play persona which would have to be appealing to exhibitor and consumer alike.
Live music evenings - adds to the exhibitors experience and could make a buck from the public.
Lots of historic trucks. No crowds.
And Most Importantly - move the whole event to the alternate years where it runs against Brisbane rather than Melbourne. There are many thousands of truckies and potential buyers of truck product that don't make it to Brisbane. The fact is, if Trucks in Action can attract the customer then manufacturers/dealers will be compelled to attend. I just hope that it is not too late.
As we know this was the last of what was a very successful truck show format where potential purchasers could actually hop in a truck and drive it around the block. The Melbourne Truck Show ran for a couple of seasons before it too dwindled. (It now exists as MegaTrans, which is a long way removed from a truck show.
For those who made the trip to Lardner Park the memories will be strong. Rest in Peace.
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