Origin Fencing Expands Truck Fleet With Brisbane Isuzu
After two decades spent in a hard-wearing application like the fencing industry, you get to know the level of quality required of your equipment, especially your transport, says Origin fencing’s Silver Iwinski
Origin Fencing specialises in end-to-end fencing solutions for a range of clients from government and private business, including schools, childcare centres, subdivisions, road upgrades, electrical substations, local councils, public amenities, infrastructure and commercial projects.
When industry veteran Silver Iwinski founded Origin Fencing in 2003 it was essential that his growing fleet of vehicles and trucks be robust, reliable, and present a good return on investment over the long term.
Director of Origin Fencing Silver Iwinski
Silver was prompted to turn to Isuzu trucks when building his transport fleet, due to the brand’s solid reputation for service and reliability.
Ticking another box for Silver was the knowledge that Isuzu had the breadth of range in its line-up to provide a solution which included the transportation of his team of installers and materials to any jobsite throughout the large state of Queensland.
“Having our own fleet of vehicles and trucks provides a competitive edge in both pricing, logistics planning and installation support,” he said.
Origin Fencing's FYH 300-350 LWB Auto
Origin Fencing focuses on government infrastructure projects such as railways, roads and highways upgrades throughout Queensland and northern New South Wales.
The Origin Fencing team is based in Brisbane but services a large geographic area, regularly traveling to job sites throughout regional Queensland including Emerald, Longreach, Cairns and Winton.
Their current fleet features nine Isuzu trucks which keep the Origin Fencing headcount of 24 staff—ranging from experienced carpenters to electricians—on the road five days a week regardless of the location.
With vital infrastructure projects in the works, Silver needs a rock-solid strategy to tackle the workload, especially as projects can span from three months upwards of three years.
“While Origin Fencing specialises in large commercial projects, they can also include other works such as local parks, schools, inner city high rises and difficult access sites,” Silver said.
“There's a mixture of small, large and medium-sized jobs which we need our fleet to access and perform efficiently.”
This is reflected in the current Origin Fencing Isuzu fleet, comprised of some earlier model units including an FSR 850 LWB, a FVZ 1400 LWB crane truck, a FVZ 1400 tipper, a FVZ 1400 vacuum truck, an NNR 55-150, a FSR 140-260 LWB, an NNR 45-150 Crew, a second hand but ultra-reliable FYH 8x4, and their latest addition, a 2022 FYH 300-350 LWB Auto.
“Vehicle efficiency, economy and reliability is key to our success with all projects,” Silver said.
“Rather than having two guys and two trucks going out, or one truck doing multiple trips, with our Isuzu trucks I can rely on one team member to carry out 15-tonnes of gear in the one trip, in one truck.”
Silver’s 2022 FYH 300-350 LWB Auto has a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of 30,000 kilograms and a Gross Combined Mass (GCM) of 45,000 kilograms, meaning it has the capacity and the wheelbase length to carry everything needed to the jobsite.
Silver has said that the payload of his FYH is a reliable asset for Origin Fencing in both sales and installation.
“When I buy a truck, I am focussed on what it’s capable of carrying because we need to be able to get in and get out to a job with all the equipment and machinery, without wasting time and money on multiple trips in a truck that doesn't have enough power.”
Powered by Isuzu’s unstoppable 6UZ1-TCN, 6-cylinder 24 valve engine, the FYH is built to last and built to haul.
Producing 257 kW (350 PS) @ 2,000 rpm and 1,422 Nm of Torque @ 1,400 rpm, the FYH brings fuel efficiency and importantly, payload to Silver and the Origin Fencing operation.
Adding to this, the ultra-reliable 6-speed Allison 4430 automatic transmission offers excellent drivability and ease of use for the diverse conditions and environments found throughout Queensland.
Silver's interest in the Isuzu brand began when he took note of how many Isuzu trucks were on the road and at job sites. He turned to Brisbane Isuzu for his first Isuzu truck, striking up a long-term working relationship with Oscar Akbar, a truck sales consultant at Brisbane Isuzu Eagle Farm.
Oscar was his first point of contact and provided a comprehensive assessment and proposal specific to Origin Fencing.
“That's a strength of Isuzu Trucks that puts them above the rest,” Silver said.
“You have dedicated staff in the dealership network who know trucks and really care about their clients.”
“General servicing and upkeep for our Isuzu fleet is done by our diesel mechanic on site but we always feel confident that the Isuzu service technicians can handle the tricky stuff,” Silver said.
“From time to time, as required, we'll take our vehicles to Brisbane Isuzu for servicing when there is something our on-site mechanic is unable to resolve.
“We feel confident that Oscar is quick to respond with aftersales support and any servicing issues that arise for us.”
After a decade of working with Oscar and the Brisbane Isuzu team the Origin Fencing fleet requirements continue to evolve and adapt, supported by the best trucks in the industry.
“It’s reassuring to be supported by a company such as Isuzu, a leader in commercial fleet,” Silver said.
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