On The Road Podcast Special: Interview with Darren Pincini

(contains some confronting segments)
Recently Mike was approached by Darren Pincini who wanted to tell his story. When Darren told Mike what his story was, Mike felt that it was too important to be lost amongst the other segments of the regular show.
So here is the first On The Road Special – a one-on-one between Mike and Darren.
Darren’s story is an important one because it is an object lesson in what can happen and an object lesson in the benefits of been able to say “no” to your boss.
”No I’m going to do this and we’re going to try and be legal.”
Darren’s life could now be very different if he hadn’t had the intestinal fortitude to say ‘No’ on the day his accident happened. It’s a fascinating story and you can listen to it here:

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