In Qld? On the Bruce Hwy? Get a Free health check.


Lisa Fraser is the latest addition to the Truckin With Kermie family. She is also the Membership Service Manager at the Queensland Trucking Association.

Lisa asked me share the following information with you, which I’m more than happy to do.

The QTA is currently undertaking free Health checks to drivers on the road. This week they are starting in Brisbane, travelling up the Bruce Highway and stopping each day in the towns listed below.

If you’re driving through these towns, please do yourself a favour and get the once over.


In posting this I went looking for a Bruce Highway photo to use for the header. I was horrified at the number of crashes displayed on the WWW. This was the only one I could find not involving a truck crash.

Get your health checked! It may just save your life and that of someone else. Bouquets to the QTA for their efforts.

While you’re here, please check out this video ….

Please, Take care of You!

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