Mercedes Benz GenH2 Fuel Cell Heavy-Duty Truck … It’s Coming!


Like it or loath it folks, this is what the future looks like. When someone with the might of Daimler Trucks pours money into hydrogen power, you can bet it will happen. In fact they expect it to be with some customers for evaluation purposes in 2023.

They are also tipping huge money into all-electric vehicles, but here in Australia, with our vast expanses of nothing, I’d be expecting hydrogen to be way ahead of the game.


Yes, there will need to be infrastructure with refilling stations, but with a 1,000km + range which will no doubt increase with further development, that should be achievable. The fact that refilling takes the same time as pouring diesel down the trucks gullet will satisfy the Time & Motion aficionados. And of course you’ll be doing your bit to save the planet with the only bi-product being good old H2O.


Personally, I quite like it. Now, I wonder how it will sound?

Check out the video presentation:

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