Gentlemen: Get Ready to Start Your Engines
To Koroit or Not to Koroit. That is the Question.
This Australia Day weekend was to be Koroit (Truck Show).
But COVID said Koroit was not to be.
But Shirl said, “Koroit will be.”
And so Koroit is.
But it isn’t.
It isn’t a truck show but there will be quite a few trucks there because we got us a convoy. And who doesn’t like a convoy. We all need one – especially down here in Victoria where the lockdown was more severe than in other parts of the country.
So if you’ve nothing to do this coming Saturday, Jan 23 please come and join in at one of the following locations, or simply turn up at the Koroit showgrounds for a long overdue get-together, a drink or three, maybe a nosh at Mickey Bourke’s Pub and talk a lot of BS.
It’s also a chance to give back to a town that has welcomed us over the past decade and more.
BYO everything you may need.
Here is the Saturday route:
Covid Convoy to Koroit will be leaving these locations at approximately:
Officer BP 8.00 AM
Lovely Banks BP 9.30 AM
Colac McDonalds 11.00 AM
Camperdown BP 11.30 AM
Mortlake RH 12.15 AM
Warrnambool Saleyards from 1pm where everyone will regroup and head to Koroit for the final stop at 1. 30 PM
Then park around the town and footy oval, go to the pub or out for dinner at restaurants. As Shirl puts it: “We’ll have a good old catch up and a Gutter Party.”
The run is to support local businesses, have a feed and a chin wag. For any other information call Shirl McCosker on 0429 812 464
Here is a little of what Koroit has given us over the years…
.. 2014 ..
Noel Lane’s original transport, beautifully maintained
2014 Truck of the Show winner, Andrea Crawford
Who doesn’t love a Director Series?
Mack Mick
.. 2015 ..
Shags, Pop, Scott and Sam
Mark Materia with his ‘Best American Truck - 2015’
Rhys, John and Tony Sheppard
David Rule and his 2015 Truck of the Show
Class of 2015
.. 2016 ..
Nick Radford and then fiancee, Miranda Meek. We presume they’ve hitched up since.
Wade Thornhill with No15 of 75 Limited Edition KW T950's.
The Cornwill boys came down to check the show out. Been coming ever since.
Murray Langford's mighty V12 Has had some signwork added by Rick 'Chocs' Hayman.
2016 Rig of the Show. PJ Annett's Kenworth 908
.. 2017 ..
Hayden Hinkley and Chook Chaser
Robbie Rose brought a Kloss masterpiece to the show in 2017
By 2017 HHA no longer was, but the trucks lived on under other owners
After checking the show out in 2016, Troy Rick and Wayne Cornwill returned in 2017 and do what they usually do - won another Truck of the Show
.. 2018 ..
Dakotah Keane on the steps of dad, Jason's T909
Heytesbury Stock Feeds Legend 950. Nice!
Benny (L) V Steve... Coronado V Peterbilt... Adelaide Truck Towing V The Truck Factory. Convivial rivalry.
Yogi has become a regular at Koroit.
More colour than a bag full of jelly beans.
2018: Cornwill win for the second year in a row against super tough competition.
.. 2019 ..
Laurie Willams and 'Phat Cat'.
Ryan Whitehead’s brilliant T 900
Jacob, Veronica, Brad and Tyler Howlett.
2019 Truck of the Show. David and Andrew Derham’s 1984 K100
.. 2020 ..
Lou Walker with his 659.
Steve Thomas and Adrian Lewis compare rides.
Double chin comparo.
Laurie O'Neil's class act, Midnight Special
2020 Truck of the Show : Gellie’s Earthmoving C 509
So folks, no prizes for 2021. Just a lot of laughs and camaraderie. See ya on the road.
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