Friday Facts: Nov 22, 2020
The ATA in partnership with NSW Police and Transport for NSW have joined drivers at the Mundoonan Rest Area for Coffee With a Cop this week.
After a number of heavy vehicle fatal crashes in the area, local A/Inspector Mathew Carroll wanted to connect with drivers as they approach what is one of the busiest times of year.
Coffee With a Cop is an initiative to help truck drivers connect, clarify issues and address concerns directly with police officers in a positive and informal way.
“This initiative aims to break down barriers. We can chat directly with drivers about current issues and remind them to look after themselves during this peak period, manage their fatigue, stop, rest and refresh and get home safely,” said Mathew. “This is also a great way to say thankyou for their service, all over a free coffee.”
Transport for NSW Director - South West Region, Jonathon Tasker, said the NSW Government is focused on improving the safety of our roads, “as we work to reduce the road toll in NSW Towards Zero.
“Our nation’s truck drivers are on the roads every day ensuring our shelves are stocked and that our fuel, goods and food are delivered, so it is important that all road users look after each other and share the road safely.”
Together with Cummins South Pacific, the ATA has today launched the Cummins Heavy Vehicle Apprentice photo competition.
Apprentices across the country are encouraged to submit a photo of themselves in the workplace to go in the draw to win one of five Cummins prize packs.
Share your pictures via the ATA Facebook or Instagram for your chance to win!
Photo submissions of the Bridgestone Owner Driver photo comp
. The Victorian and New South Wales Governments have welcomed an agreement between the states and territories to develop voluntary national guidelines for stevedore infrastructure and access charges. The ATA and our member associations will advocate strongly for trucking operators during the consultation process. Read more
. Australian Industry Standards has welcomed Paul Walsh as its new CEO. Paul has been a member of the AIS leadership team for 8 years, including 4 years as Chief Operating Officer. The ATA congratulates Paul and looks forward to continuing its strong leadership with the AIS under his leadership.
. NTI has presented Motor Neurone Disease researchers with a cheque for $200,000 following the auction of a 1946 Ford Jail Bar truck during the ATA Live broadcast. More than $87,000 was raised at auction, with NTI adding another $113,000 to support researchers as they continue exploring ways to treat the disease. It brings the total NTI has raised for MND research to almost $534,000 in just four years.
. Thanks to Bridgestone Australia, five of Australia’s heavy vehicle owner/drivers has each won a $2,000 truck tyre voucher for entering the ATA’s Bridgestone Owner Driver photo comp. The competition was an opportunity to celebrate the contribution and passion of Australia’s owner drivers, and showcase the great work they do.
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