Celebrating the Life and Times of Rick Chocs Hayman
19.10.1960 – 18.3.2021
Chocs was an integral part of the trucking movement in Victoria, particularly with groups such as ATHS (American Truck Historical Society) and the HCVC (Historical Commercial Vehicle Club).
A man who would cheerfully cut off his right arm for his friends, Chocs was an extraordinary Signwriter, a master poet and a teller of tales – mostly very tall. His humour and ever-present smile endeared him to all whose paths he crossed.
Chocs birthdate and the date of his passing are split by a simple –
That small – encapsulates a life spanning 60 very full years. With the kind permission of wife, Ros and daughter, Gemma – who produced this tribute to her dad, I am humbled to share this video of Rick’s life with you.
I said in response to a conversation this afternoon that Rick was “Good People”. I was wrong in stating that. Rick Chocs Hayman was The Best.
You will be missed by many, mate. But you will live on in the hearts and minds of us all. Rest in Peace.
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